Holstein Australia equals high quality

Holstein Australia are known for their high milk production and strong conformation. Holstein Australia offers programs for genetic improvement, herd management, and youth development. Through events such as field days, seminars, and shows, Holstein Australia supports its members in achieving success in their Holstein herds. The association also serves as a resource for consumers looking for high quality Holstein dairy products. By working together with researchers, universities, and industry partners, Holstein Australia strives to ensure a profitable and sustainable future for Australian Holstein farmers.

Holstein Australia is a good choice for your herd

Investing in a VikingHolstein cow can lead to a healthier and more profitable herd. These cows have excellent health and reproductive abilities, yielding high levels of milk and solids throughout their lifetime. Their genetics make them resilient to illness and able to thrive in various environments. Holstein Australia endorses the Viking Holstein breed, making them a trusted choice for dairy farmers. Investing in a VikingHolstein cow is an investment in the health and success of your herd.

The excellent genes in Holstein Australia cows are good news for your herd. The resilience of the cows are among the best in the world, which gives them a big advantage in any comparison with other races.

Holstein Australia is a healthy option

The VikingHolstein breeding program also extends to Holstein Australia, where the commitment to improving health and performance is just as strong. Holstein Australia uses VikingGenetics’ genomic selection program to ensure their cows have the best combination of genes for improved fertility, udder health, milk solids production, and feed efficiency. With the help of this technology, Holstein Australia continues to produce top-performing dairy cows.

As a Holstein Australia approved supplier, VikingGenetics provides the advantage of improved genetic gain for your herd with each generation. Several partnerships with leading universities, research organizations, and experts around the world give them access to the latest technology and tools for selecting the best bulls. Additionally, the focus on animal welfare, food security, and reducing climate impact across the production chain ensures that you can trust in the quality and sustainability of the genetics. With data-driven science at the heart of our processes, you are ensured low use of antibiotics and hormones and high lifetime production per cow. Trust in VikingGenetics to turn big data into an accurate and reliable breeding program for your herd.